“We have noticed a big change in some lunchboxes, which is great. The resources seemed to be appreciated by the parents and carers. We have popped everything in our newsletter, which is emailed out. We have also been posting on our Facebook page.”
- School Principal
“Thank you for the opportunity to share with our parents. The resources are excellent and I believe the newsletter inserts have meant we shared a consistent message about healthy choices for our students.”
- School Teacher
“It's a great service and I especially liked the visual representation of what to swap. And although we already pack healthy, this was great way for my 5 year old to see that he was getting healthy foods to help him grow.”
- Parent
“Thank you these resources are wonderful. I am going to use some of them with my Stage 3 class as we focus on healthy eating and making smart food choices now that they are becoming more independent.”
- School Teacher
“I just think there’s just fantastic benefits, from not only the fact that you, like you get a hold of the resources that you could use within the classrooms, but also, periodically, sending them out to the community, just to keep the message on healthy eating and healthy lifestyle.”
- School Principal
“Was useful for giving me ideas about what to pack for lunch. My child usually eats healthy food, but I have found the daily lunch packing monotonous!”
- Parent
“We really like the classroom resources, including the flip chart and have found them useful and complementary to other activities they are doing”
- School Principal
“I enjoyed being a part of it. There was definitely a change seen whilst out on the playground. The students are much more aware of what constitutes a healthy lunchbox”
– School Teacher
"I really like using my SWAP IT book, because I like knowing how to pack a healthier lunchbox."
- Year 4 Student